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/ The Fatted Calf / The Fatted Calf.iso / Demos / ByCompany / Athena_Design / Mesa / Mesa.app / English.lproj / Query.nib / data.nib (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1993-06-05  |  15KB  |  225 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5. Query
  6. Button
  7. Control
  8.     Responder
  9. ScrollView
  10. ClipView
  11. ciifffcfffs
  12. [119c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  13. \margl40
  14. \margr40
  15. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  16. NXCursor
  17. NXImage
  18. NXibeam
  19. Scroller
  20. _doScroller:
  21. @@@ffs
  22.     TextField
  23. TextFieldCell
  24. ActionCell
  25.     Helvetica
  26. ButtonCell
  27. Display Errors in Dialog
  28. NXswitch
  29.     NXswitchH
  30. Run Before Each Recalc
  31. Formatting
  32. Helvetica-Bold
  33. Update:
  34. Where:
  35. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  36. \margl40
  37. \margr40
  38. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  39. From:
  40. Title
  41. Raw SQL:
  42. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  43. \margl40
  44. \margr40
  45. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  46. Destination Range:
  47. Set Range Name:
  48. Destination
  49. Set Height of  Rows
  50. Include Column Titles
  51. Place Errors In Range
  52. Ignore Computed Rows
  53. Break After Computed Rows
  54.     Set Style
  55. [16@]
  56. Select:
  57.     Order By:
  58. Compute:
  59.     Group By:
  60. Having:
  61. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  62. \margl40
  63. \margr40
  64. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  65. Delete:
  66. [169c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  67. \margl40
  68. \margr40
  69. \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0  
  70. Values:
  71. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  72. \margl40
  73. \margr40
  74. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  75. Insert into:
  76.     Subquery:
  77. {\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  78. \margl40
  79. \margr40
  80. \f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 
  81. [15@]
  82. Server:
  83.     Password:
  84. Prompt  for Database Password 
  85. User:
  86.     Database:
  87. Change
  88. Delete
  89.     NXBrowser
  90. @@::#@ssssi**
  91. Matrix
  92. NXBrowserCell
  93. BrowserItem
  94. Query:
  95. @:@iiii
  96. ff@@#::s
  97. Query Name:
  98. Select Information
  99. NXradio
  100. NXradioH
  101. Raw/Stored Procedure
  102. Insert Information
  103. Update Information
  104. Delete Information
  105. Radio
  107. dbase.queryinsp
  108. Adaptor:
  109. WindowTemplate
  110. iiii***@s@
  111. Query Inspector
  112. Panel
  113. Field8
  114. ScrollingText
  115. Panel1
  116. Field41
  117. Field4
  118. Field161
  119. Field6
  120. Field16
  121. Field13
  122. Field9
  123. Field5
  124. Field7
  125. Field181
  126. ScrollingText1
  127. Field12
  128. Field10
  129. Field1
  130. Field2
  131. Field22
  132. Prompt
  133. Query Insp
  134. Field51
  135. File's Owner
  136. Field11
  137. Field23
  138. Field15
  139. Field14
  140. Field171
  141. Field3
  142. Field17
  143. Field20
  144. Update
  145. Field19
  146. Field
  147. Field18
  148. Field21
  149. [136@]
  150. IBOutletConnector
  151. IBConnector
  152. delegate
  153. password
  154. prompt
  155.     addButton
  156. deleteButton
  157. updateButton
  158. IBControlConnector
  159. query:
  160. queryButton
  161.     queryList
  162. delete:
  163. update:
  164. select:
  165. window
  166. textDelegate
  167. performClick:
  168. nextText
  169. server
  170. database
  171. dbobject
  172. selectView
  173. deleteView
  174. insertView
  175. rawView
  176. updateView
  177. beforeRecalc
  178. breakAfter
  179. compute
  180. destination
  181. dialogErrors
  182. groupBy
  183. having
  184. ignoreCompute
  185. orderBy
  186. saveErrors
  187. select
  188.     setHeight
  189. setLabel
  190. style8
  191. titles
  192. where
  193. deleteDelete
  194. deleteDialog
  195. deleteFrom
  196.     deleteRun
  197. deleteWhere
  198. updateUpdate
  199.     updateSet
  200. updateFrom
  201. updateWhere
  202.     updateRun
  203. updateDialog
  204. insertInsert
  205. insertDialog
  206.     insertRun
  207. insertSubquery
  208. insertValues
  209. rawBreakComputed
  210. rawDestination
  211.     rawDialog
  212. rawErrorInRange
  213. rawIgnoreComputed
  214. rawIncludeTitles
  215. rawRaw
  216. rawRun
  217. rawSetHeight
  218. rawSetRange
  219. rawSetStyle
  220. viewView
  221. changeView:
  222. selectedType
  223. IBHelpConnector
  224. Inspectors/Query.rtfd